The Ask

Scripture Central is a rebrand of what was formerly Book of Mormon Central, Bible Central, and other sites representing different books of scripture canonized in the LDS faith. This rebrand united them all in one site to simplify and show how they are all related to each other. Formerly, the brand had appeal mostly to religious scholars, and felt quite outdated in its visual approach. The organization wanted to broaden their appeal to all ages and levels of religious knowledge and learning, and even feel welcoming to curious persons not of the Christian faith.

The brand is extensive, and includes various different sites, channels, and apps. For this project, we created a beautiful logo system that incorporates a radial symbol that represents both an iris and a sun.

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

This excerpt from Matthew in the New Testament hones in on the meaning of the logo. Different iterations of the icon with different numbers of rays correspond to the different books of scripture represented at Scripture Central.

To accompany this unique icon, we expanded on the message that all are invited to study the scriptures and learn more about Jesus Christ by using contemporary colors and illustration styles, and a combination of a quirky serif typeface and an everyman’s sans-serif workhorse.

We’d like to call out especially the hero illustrations we commissioned and directed by Lisk Feng, which represent a variety of abstract spiritual concepts, such as repentance shown as transformation and becoming (featured at the top of this page.) These illustrations add depth and a certain amount of “sparkle” to the brand.

We delivered a comprehensive website design on both desktop and mobile, a scripture study app design, templates for emails, social media, and video captions, as well as a set of lifestyle photography images and employee headshots.




We collaborated with Mario Alcauter for lifestyle photography and team headshots, with Lisk Feng on abstract hero illustrations, and with Mikey Bready on spot illustrations.


Logan Country Club


Shared Spaces